
Mason Jar Wedding Kit

Remember last year when I wrote about the wedding that my daughters were going to be in?  Well, my little one is going to be in another wedding this fall.  And that means another round of parties: engagement parties, bridal showers, the rehearsal dinner, etc.  (Fortunately for us, we love a good party!)  
With the (extremely fun) engagement party behind us, it's time to start thinking about the shower.  More specifically it's time to start thinking about the shower gift.  

I wanted to go with a handmade gift, and after reading this post by the talented Linda of It All Started With Paint, I knew exactly what I wanted to make.  (Pinned here.)

Linda's project was an Anthropologie-inspired mason jar sewing kit.  As soon as I saw it I realized that, with the addition of a few extras, it would make a great Wedding Day Emergency Kit.

(Because, seriously, you can't have a wedding in the year 2013 without at least one mason jar.  I'm not kidding:  something old, something new, something borrowed, something in a mason jar...  it's the official wedding slogan of 2013.  Really.)

A Wedding Day Emergency Kit is exactly what it sounds like: a collection of things one might need on one's wedding day.   Here's what I included in mine:

  • Bobby pins (I went with black as the bride is a raven haired beauty :)
  • Advil
  • Visine
  • Lip balm
  • Kleenex
  • Hairspray
  • Band-aids
  • Breath strips
  • Disposable toothbrushes
  • Tums
  • Tide stain stick
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Seam ripper
  • Safety pins
  • Q-tips (I had to remove them from the plastic case to make them fit.)

Isn't it amazing how much you can put in a mason jar?!  (Note: be sure to use a wide mouth mason jar.)

If you'd like to know how I made the pin cushion lid, hop over to Linda's blog for her instructions.  Initially my lid refused to screw on to the jar so I had to remove some of the stuffing from the cushion.  Now it works like a charm.

So what do you think?  Would you like to receive one of these as a shower gift?  Did I forget any important wedding day necessities?  Let me know in the comments.

Don't want to make your own?  
Great news!  
I am now selling my kits.  
Message me at elena@acasarella.net to place an order.


  1. I love it, my friend! And I haven't been to a wedding in so long that I'm not sure if I can offer any suggestions on what else to include!


    :) Linda

  2. Brilliant! What a sweet and unexpected gift to give. So practical and adorable. I am sure it will be a big hit! Not that you have any additional room but shockingly, the go to item I needed on my wedding day...wet wipes. I had a red rose bouquet. The bouquet kept leaving red marks on my white dress. The photographer told me to use wet wipes and believe it or not, it took the marks right off.

  3. What a great (and thoughtful) idea! I remember being so anxious on my wedding day about the possibly mini-crises that could happen. A kit like this will be well-received, I'm sure!

  4. How sweet! BRAVO! I would *LOVE* to receive this as a gift! :)

    (Hmmm, for the sweet tooth bride, maybe there could be the addition of some tasty treats for wedding day sustenance? Maybe a fun size of M&M's or trail mix? :)

  5. Oh this is the perfect gift to make and give a bride! I think you've thought of everything too! love it and pinned it!

  6. I love this! Such a genius idea to have those things on hand.. and in such a cute package too! Great project :)

  7. What a great idea! I have a catering business and this would be great to have on hand for emergencies, bridal parties always come to the kitchen when they need something!

  8. Perhaps clear nail polish or even a small bar of soap for stopping a stocking mishap.

  9. This is such an awesome idea, Elena! I don't know anyone getting married but I'm pinning this just to have it....maybe my husband will forget we're married and let me throw a shindig and this will be my something mason jar....I'm always thinkin' {scary, isn't it?}

    Mary Beth

  10. Hello.
    I'm visiting from the Bee hop. This jar of goodies is toooo cute. Great idea. I'm also a new follower. Your blog is great. Hope you will visit my blog and hopefully want to follow back. Also my blog party is going on now and I'd love to ave you link up with us.
    Angel @ http://sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks, Angel! I'm heading over to your blog now!

  11. As a wedding photographer I can tell you this is a wonderful idea! I carry a lot of these items with me in my camera bag. I've used them all many times at weddings. When there is no wedding planner the photographer kind of fills that role too...haha. I'm pinning this. :-) Thanks for sharing.

    I'm visiting from http://www.artistic31mama.com and the Sew Crafty Angel blog party.

  12. Good morning I am visiting from southern charm! I love your idea! I have done several weddings and I have to say this is a wonderful thing to incorporate! I hope you will visit me at southern charm and want to follow me back! Have a great day, Nicole!

  13. LOVE IT! I'm getting married in May so I'll have to keep this in mind.

  14. Love this! I've been looking at some of the pre-assembled kits for my best friend's upcoming wedding, but I like this one better.

  15. From a wedding that I just went to last month - I would add a pantyliner (the kind that are folded up in a little sleeve, and a tampon (probably OB or something travel sized). The bride was sending people out into the church to try and ask around because she didn't have any feminine equipment and the stress of the wedding made her period come a few days early :(
    I like all the other tools, especially the disposable toothbrushes!

  16. This is such a great & super crafty idea!

    Thanks again for linking up for Craft With What You've Got!

    Danielle at Framed Frosting

  17. As a Newbie, I am permanently browsing online for articles that can help me. Thank you
    los angeles wedding venue

  18. What a brilliant idea - love it!

    I would love for you to link up at the Mommy Archive - we're focused on mason jar crafts and ideas this week, Alice @ Mums Make Lists

  19. Such a fab post - I've pinned this and featured you at this week's Empty Your Archive party.

    Thanks so much for sharing, Alice @ Mums Make Lists

  20. Perhaps some baby powder for chafing legs caused by the stress sweat,(in a little baggy to fit better, a nail file, and some hemorrhoid cream to get rid of those puffy eyes from the crying that is bound to occur several times throughout the day.

  21. I love this! What size jar did you use?

  22. I think these would also be awesome to have in the bathroom for guests at the wedding. Pinning!

  23. OMG!!! Found you via the SITS linky for diy and soooo happy I did. I am charged with finding something blue for my niece's upcoming out of town wedding which I'm not actually going to as just for immediate family. I love mason jars, especially blue mason jars and I am putting this together this week. You made my day!!! I could not think of anything else blue as she didn't want a garter belt; has earrings and didn't want a blue ribbon anywhere. Love it!

  24. Great gift! I think I'd include a tampon, because someone's going to need it!

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