
DIY Faux "Mantel"

Have you ever noticed how obsessed bloggers are with decorating their mantels?


What's up with that?

Back in the day (before I became a reader of blogs and peruser of Pinterest) I thought people only decorated their mantels for Christmas.  

Silly, silly me!

Turns out mantel decorating is a year-long affair.  

But what do you do if you don't have a fireplace?  You kind of need one in order to have a mantel, don't you?  

Not necessarily!  A little creative shopping and you too can have a mantel to decorate to your heart's content.  

I give you my DIY faux mantel:

Step one, purchase a pretty mirror.  (I got mine several years ago at Cost Plus World Market.)

Step two, purchase a shelf ledge.  (I got mine at Pottery Barn.)

Step three, decorate like a mad-woman.  (Okay, so I haven't quite embraced this yet, but I'm going to.  For now, though, my "mantel" is a repository for some family photos and my DIY "zinc" letters.)

How about you?  Do you have a mantel?  Do you decorate it?  Leave me a link in the comments if you've done a mantel post.  I'm looking for ideas for mine.  :)



  1. Very cool! I usually just decorate my mantle for the Christmas and Thanksgiving, and husband likes to put fake spiders up there at Halloween. Our living room is a little small so I feel cramped if there's too much going on up there, but I really like this idea that could be done elsewhere in the house!

  2. Very good idea! :) It looks beautiful. I just started decorating mine within the past few months I think I caved because of blogging. It sat empty for several years before that though.

  3. Look at you! Now that you have a mantel, you'll have to decorate it for every holiday. Where are the bunnies? Or wait...I best E is for Easter, right :)

  4. Ooooh that's a great idea!! Way to improvise ;)


  5. So so true! Keep on decorating like a mad woman - it looks amazing!

  6. I love this, I don't have a mantle, I somehow always think of them as very American but I LOVE them. I need a faux mantle. This is a really great idea.

  7. How pretty! This is the first house I've lived in that didn't have a mantel. We have a wood stove in this one. (You can't put much of anything near a wood stove in the winter.) I miss it! I treat several of my shelves as if they are mantels...or fantels...which are faux mantels!

  8. Very nice!!

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