
Kraft Paper Banner

Preparations are underway here at `a casarella for a holiday soiree.

All shall be revealed next week, but in the meantime, here's a quick craft to help spiffy up the holiday decor.

I used my favorite Dollar Store Kraft Paper to make this festive banner.

Adhesive gift tags attached to triangles of Kraft paper give the banner a fancy touch.  The triangles are taped to the twine with plain old Scotch tape.  The whole project took about ten minutes.  (Which is about all the time I have to spare these days...  ;)



  1. Your are a creative genius! I love it. :) Megan

  2. No way. This is brilliant. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. You are a genius.

  3. Yup, I've got about that much time to spend on holiday crafting, love the use of scotch tape, that stuff is my go-to:)


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