
Travel Tips

Several years ago our family went on a cruise.

And as it turns out, we're not big cruisers.  (Nothing against them, it's just not our thing.)

While we didn't come away from the experience with a love of cruising, we did acquire one thing that would forever change the way we travel:  the over-the-door shoe holder .

Prior to the cruise I consulted with an experienced cruiser who recommended this as a way to keep the cabin organized.  As it turns out, there aren't many suitable surfaces for storing things on a cruise ship.  This is especially true in the bathroom.  She suggested that we use the over-the-door shoe holder as a way to keep track of toiletries, room keys, cell phones (& chargers), and pretty much anything else you can think of.

The next year, as we packed for a trip to Hawaii, it occurred to me that the over-the-door shoe holder needn't be reserved for cruises alone, so I threw it in our bag.  (It folds up flat and packs like a dream.)  It has come with us on every trip since.

Here it is on a recent trip to a Mexican resort.  The bathroom there had plenty of uncluttered surface space and this little beauty guaranteed that stayed that way.

When my sister-in-law saw our hotel set-up on a recent family trip, she wanted to know why I hadn't shared it with her sooner.  It was at that point that I decided to share it with all of you.    

And as long as I'm sharing, here's a happy little accident that I'm so glad I made: While perusing the travel toiletries at Target (how's that for alliteration?) I picked up a package of these:

To be honest, I thought I was buying wipes.  (The type you'd use if you spilled something on your clothes.)  Imagine my surprise when I reached for one and discovered that what I had actually purchased was a three-pack of "sink packets".  These are individual portions of detergent that one can use to wash clothes in a hotel sink.  If I hadn't brought them along I'm pretty sure I would have spent a small fortune sending clothes out to be laundered.  These will definitely join the shoe holder on my list of traveling must-haves.

So what about you?  Do you have any travel tips that you'd like to share?


  1. I love this idea! I use a door shoe holder to organize stuff at my house, but never thought to take one on a trip.

    I don't think I have many revolutionary travel tips, but I will say, if you wear contacts - BRING AN EXTRA PAIR. I take an extra pair even if I'm just going away for a night. They've come in handy more times than I can count :)

  2. What a great idea! I'm going out tonight to get one for our trip next week!

    1. I think we got ours at Bed, Bath & Beyond. :)

  3. Ok, this is BRILLIANT. One of those, why did I ever think of that moments. This needs to be pinned ASAP and should if pinners of pinterest know anything about anything be repinned 1000 times {if not more}.

  4. Genius!! I'm not the biggest fan of cruising either. Must be because I went with the hubs over 15 years ago and we got a "deal". It was a fabulous ship but our room was a dark hole! No windows and I had to actually get out of the shower to shave my legs (it was that tiny)!!

    But this would do well at my next hotel!!

  5. The shoe door thingy-- so darn clever!

    I'm following ya now from the naptime reviews hop and am excited to see what else you discover along the way.
    We're riding the wave of life at localsugarhawaii.com and I'd love it if you'd join us for the ride. Also, we host the most mellow Wordless Wednesday link up. I'd love it if you'd join us for the No rules, just friends gathering.


  6. What a great idea! I've never been on cruise...probably never will. Thanks for linking up to the All Star Block Party!


  7. Great idea! My best friend is heading on her first cruise in 19 days, I'm going to share with her your blog. If you would like, I'd love to have you link up to my Our Favorite Things Link Party. The link is http://mylifesatreasure.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-favorite-things-link-party-2.html
    Thanks for sharing

  8. This is such a great idea! I have been traveling a lot lately and this is definitely going to come in handy!

  9. Love, Love, Love this idea! I am pinning it as I know when traveling with 4 this would really help. Thanks!

  10. This is a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  11. I pinned this and cannot wait to use the idea when we go to Disney in February. Four children. Yeah, I can use some organization. Here is a question though... do you think you could load it up and then roll it to pack it?

    1. Oh how funny. I saw the pin before I saw your email and actually
      answered this question there. Anyway, when I tried that in the past
      it was kind of lumpy so I just like to fill it when I get to my
      destination. If the items you're filling it with aren't too bulky, it
      could work, though...

  12. You always have the best ideas!

  13. This is brillant!! We love cruises and can totally relate to the lack of space! Such a smart idea!!

  14. brilliant, pinning it now! I only wish I weren't about to get on a plane tomorrow morning, don't think I can find time to buy one before 6am!

  15. Great idea! We'll have to use this on our next trip! We are so glad that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". Please come back again really soon! Thanks! -The Sisters

  16. Super idea! Thanks for sharing with us at our Pinteresting Party. Hope you will come back and share again this week.

  17. Fabulous idea!!! And I (ahem) LOVE cruises- don't hate me for it! :) We can still be friend, right? :)

  18. Nice! This certainly can come in handy on your travels in so many ways.

  19. Thanks for the good tips. This will certainly come in handy when I travel one day.

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  22. When we traveled to China we used those air bag thingies (can't remember the name) where you can suck/squeeze the air out of them to take up less space in your luggage. Still have TONS of those bags. The problem with that is you get more in your suitcase...so then it weighs more. We didn't go over weight limits, but that was 6 years ago. I have a few hanging organizers that we use in our pop-up trailer, but I just might have to add a shoe organizer to the list. Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me Linky Party.

  23. It is such a marvelous idea. You are so genius and I should try this shoe holder for my next trip.

  24. What a genius idea - absolutely love it!!!

  25. You got that right! Those things can save travellers the hassle of losing and misplacing items in cruise cabins. Thank you for this helpful post.

  26. Loved your travel tip for keeping clutter free on vacation, Elena! I'm linking up to it tomorrow. Thank you for the inspire ~ Amy

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