
Inspired by Pinterest

Inspired by Pinterest will have to be a regular feature on 'A Casarella.  (Look at me busting with the regular features after four posts!  That's placing a lot of faith in my ability to maintain a blog for more than a month...)

If there's anything that could be a regular feature, though, it would be Inspired by Pinterest.  Because that's the greatest thing about Pinterest: it's inspirational!  Unlike my other favorite time-suck, um, website, Facebook, Pinterest inspires me to step away and do something creative with my time whether it be cooking, organizing, crafting, etc.  In fact, I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to "pins I've attempted in real life."  (Found here.)

Next up on that board will be these little beauties.

I found them here.  Unfortunately I have no idea who the originator was.  For those of you who are wondering, these are Valentine's Day themed paint chip bookmarks.  To my delight, both of my daughters wanted to give them out for Valentine's Day after seeing my prototype.  My older daughter helped with punching and tying the ribbon.

I was lucky enough to have a small heart punch (for the ribbon hole) and a large heart punch for the other cut-outs.  The ribbon was on sale, .33 cents a roll at Michael's, and of course I pilfered the paint chips from a hardware store.  (I must admit I feel a little guilty about that.)  But look how cute they turned out!  Originally I didn't like having the paint color names displayed on the bookmark.  That was until I looked a little more closely:

This one reads: Barely Pink, Be Mine & Scented Valentine.  How appropriate is that?  I think the kids are going to love them!


  1. Thanks! They were fun to make too.

  2. Perfect Valentines for a teacher to giveto students. Love the idea :)

  3. Super cute---pinned via Pin Me party! Hope you check us out at http://www.thechirpingmoms.com!


  4. SUPER cute!! I've seen so many paint chip crafts and wonder if they run out quickly at all the home improvement stores.


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